Goals & objectives

Goals & objectives

Widespread implementation of IPM still faces challenges due to economic constraints and farmer reluctance. Hence, FORTUNA aims to identify and analyse methods to reduce chemical pesticide usage. Stakeholder engagement will inform strategies to transition to pesticide-free farming practices, supporting robust yields and food security while minimising productivity and profitability risks.

Against that background, the objective of FORTUNA is to address the future challenges in the light of the Farm to Fork (F2F) Strategy with its quantitative targets to reduce the overall risk and use of chemical pesticides, and the use of more hazardous pesticides by 50% by 2030 and respond to the ambition to pave the way beyond the F2F targets towards agriculture without chemical pesticides.

FORTUNA will address an ambitious hypothesis by exploring two scenarios to accommodate differing perspectives. The first scenario aims to meet the F2F Strategy targets in 2030 followed by a more ambitious scenario aiming at making EU agriculture completely pesticide-free by 2050. In the FORTUNA project, ‘pesticide-free’ refers to the use of plant protection products, techniques, technologies and tactics that are not including any chemical synthetic pesticide, but may include biopesticides and biocontrol agents. Within these two scenarios , the transition is addressed in a systemic approach, considering changes in the food value chain, the development of pesticide-free food market, the use of digital technologies to monitor pests and precision application, and enhancing plant immunity through biocontrol products and solutions.

The specific objectives of the project are to:

  • Increase networking and knowledge exchange across Europe promoting a reduction in pesticide use and risk beyond the F2F targets;
  • Map and identify potential innovations and challenges;
  • Improve understanding of main knowledge gaps as well as of drivers and barriers to go beyond the F2F targets for chemical pesticides;
  • Identify research needs for further reductions or phasing out chemical pesticides in agriculture.