


The Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) is the Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants. JKI covers all aspects of plant protection with 18 institutes working in three major domains: plant genetic diversity and breeding research, crop protection, and agroecosystems.


Aarhus University with the Department of Agroecology carry out basic, strategic and applied research in issues regarding the interaction between climate, soil, plants, animals and people in agro-ecosystems with a focus on promoting health, sustainability and environmentally friendly production of food, feed, energy and bio-based products.


Acta ,the agricultural technical institutes leads and represents the network of 19 french agricultural technical institutes (ITA). Their mission is to foster connections between people and knowledge to accelerate innovation and enhance the competitiveness of the agricultural, forestry, and agro-industrial sectors in France and internationally.


Agroscope is the Swiss center of excellence for agricultural research, and is affiliated with the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG).


Arcadia International© is a multidisciplinary consultancy dedicated to the food and feed value chain. Arcadia consists in a network of consultancies and technical research institutions.


The Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) is the 3rd oldest University in Greece. AUA has been making valuable contributions to Greek and European economic development and policy-making, by conducting basic and applied research in agricultural and environmental sciences.


INRAE is France’s National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. INRAE’s mission is to produce and share scientific knowledge contributing to solve major challenges in Europe and in the world concerning agriculture, food and the environment.


The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKi) is the only independent organisation in Hungary devoted specifically to researching sustainable agriculture.


The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) is a leading international university providing research, education and environmental assessment within the sciences for sustainable life

Sant’Anna School

Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies is an Italian public university institute – with special autonomy – working in the field of applied sciences


Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research: it is ZALF’s mission to provide scientific evidence to support this transformation of agriculture towards a greater economic, environmental and social sustainability – together with society.